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What is “feisty glow?”

Once, a former manager of mine became exasperated with me and said, “God, you’re scrappy,” because of something I wouldn’t let go of. Simply put, I was fighting for something I felt like I deserved & I wouldn’t let up until he surrendered. I’ve been like that since childhood and it has gotten me far. Still, I prefer the term “feisty” to “scrappy” - either way, it means I’m determined. I have a tenacity that I apply to everything I do in life, whether it’s my career or skincare. I keep going no matter what, until I get the desired results.

So when it came time to choose a username for my skincare profile on Instagram, my husband came up with “feistyglow.” At first, a “feisty glow” just meant a really fire highlight- the kind of highlight that kept on glowing no matter what - but now it encompasses this entire creative outlet. It is an extension of me.

I hope you enjoy your visit here at

xoxo, Brittany - curator + creator of FG